package scales.xml.impl

import scala.collection.immutable.Map

import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom

//import scales.utils.collection.path.{Path, Node, Position}

import scales.utils.{TreeCBF, subtree, item, top, 
		     ItemOrTree, noPath => fno, 
		     EitherLike, LeftLike}

import scales.utils.collection.{ListSet, Tree, 
				ImmutableArrayProxy, ImmutableArrayProxyBuilder }
import scales.utils.collection.path.{ Path, Position, Node }

import scales.xml.{XmlItem, Elem, Comment, 
		   PI, QName, PrefixedQName, 
		   NoNamespaceQName, Attribute,

trait XmlTypes {

  import EqualsHelpers._

   * Alias for the XmlTree CanBuildFrom
  type XmlCBF = TreeCBF[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]

   * An AttributeQName is either a PrefixedQName or a NoNamespaceQName
  type AttributeQName = EitherLike[PrefixedQName, NoNamespaceQName]

   * Alias for a mutable builder of XmlChildren
  type XmlBuilder = collection.mutable.Builder[ ItemOrElem, XmlChildren ]
   * Default implementation for constructing an instance of XmlBuilder (ImmutableArrayProxyBuilder)
  def XmlBuilder() : XmlBuilder = ImmutableArrayProxyBuilder[ItemOrElem]()

   * Alias for Trees of Elem and XmlItem
  type XmlTree = Tree[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]

   * Alias for An XML ItemOrTree
  type ItemOrElem = ItemOrTree[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]

   * An Alias for a collection of ItemOrElem, the children of a given tree node
  type XmlChildren = XCC[ItemOrElem]

   * XML Collection - an alias for ImmutableArrayProxy 
  type XCC[T] = ImmutableArrayProxy[T]

   * Misc is either a Comment or PI, and is used for the Prolog and trailing Misc items in a Doc.
  type Misc = Either[Comment, PI]
  /** A collection of Misc */

  type Miscs = Seq[Misc]

   * An alias for am immutable ListSet of Attribute 
  //type Attributes = ListSet[Attribute]

  type Attributes = scales.utils.collection.ArraySet[Attribute]

  /** An empty collection of Misc */ 
  val emptyMiscs: Miscs = List[Misc]()

  /** An empty collection of Attribute */

//  val emptyAttributes: Attributes = ListSet.empty[Attribute]

  val emptyAttributes: Attributes = AttributeSet.empty//ListSet.empty[Attribute]

  /** An empty Map of String -> String representing prefix -> namespace */ 
  val emptyNamespaces: Map[String, String] = Map[String, String]()

  /** An empty collection of ItemOrElem */ 
  val emptyChildren: XmlChildren = ImmutableArrayProxy[ItemOrElem]()

   * Use to signify a "null object", tree/path shouldn't work like this its a smell

  val noXmlPath: XmlPath = fno[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]

   * An alias for a Path over XmlTree
  type XmlPath = Path[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]

   * Will match if the QNames are the same =:= and if the attributes are present (not requiring that these are the only attributes).
   * What is returned is either a Seq of attribute values or a simple boolean

  def ElemMatcher(name: QName, attributes: AttributeQName*) = new {
    import ExtraTypesImplicits._

    def matchAttribs(elem: Elem) = for (attribute <- attributes; matches <- elem.attributes(attribute)) yield matches

    def unapply(elem: Elem): Option[(Elem, List[Attribute])] = {
      val matched = matchAttribs(elem)
      if ( =:= name && matched.size == attributes.size)
        Some((elem, matched.toList))

   * Adds a subtree to this given path and returns a path focussed on the new subtree.
   * The Tree is constructed from the elem and optional children.

  final def addAndFocus(path: XmlPath, elem: Elem, dchildren : XmlChildren = emptyChildren) =
    // start it off

    if (path eq noXmlPath) {
        elem, dchildren))
    } else {
      import ScalesXml.xmlCBF

      // using a Function1 causes 2% of the cost for init alone

      // cache it here as we are going to fudge the path

      val n : ItemOrElem = subtree(elem, dchildren)
      var size = 0

      import path.node.focus
      val parent = focus.getRight
      val c = parent.children
      size = c.length
      // add a child, focus on it

      val tpath = Path(, 
		       Node( path.node.index, 
				       c :+ n)) )

      // drill down to last child

      Path(tpath, Node(size, n))

   * Adds a child to the given subpath, however focus remains on the newly modified path
  final def addChild(path: XmlPath, child: XmlItem) = {
    import ScalesXml.xmlCBF
    import path.node.focus

    val parent = focus.getRight
	       Node( path.node.index,
        parent.children :+ item[XmlItem, Elem, XCC](child))
